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A modern solution to saddle fitting header

Approved Advisor: Alex Jakob-Whitworth - Cumbria

Alex Jakob

Alex Jakob-Whitworth (MA, MIPTI, EThPK) has been involved with horses all her life and it is through her work as an Equine Massage Therapist that she has discovered Solution Saddles. She trained at the world famous Yorkshire Riding Centre with Jane and Christopher Bartle, competed up to Elementary in Dressage and has started her own young horses.

Having seen so many horses damaged by badly fitting saddles, she found that SMART Saddles dramatically improved the horse’s way of going and overall well-being.

Her business, “Equine Awareness”, focuses on Equine Massage and the holistic well-being of horses and their riders. She runs workshops and clinics in Equine Massage, Behaviour, Anatomy, Confident Rider and Tack Awareness.

Alex is a renowned and classically trained Artist who has work exhibited in collections worldwide. As a Solution Saddles Advisor, Alex finds that the extensive knowledge of equine anatomy that she has gained both through art and massage therapy enhances her role; the outstanding results that riders are able to achieve with SMART Saddles are truly rewarding.