Buffy lives on the Isle of Seil, just south of Oban on the West Coast of Scotland. She has three horses and enjoys training her horses. She has three horses and enjoys training her horses following classical and natural horsemanship principles as well as exploring Scotland on horseback. Her background is in teaching and coaching and she is a qualified BHSAI. Buffy also trained as a Riding Therapist with the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy and taught children with additional support needs at the local High School in Oban. In 1997 she founded the Oban and Lorn RDA group.
“My interest in saddle fitting started over 30 years ago when I struggled to find a saddle to fit both me and my horse. I could find no clear career path to become a saddle fitter but I have always been aware of the importance of a well fitting saddle. I trained to fit traditional saddles and hold the Master Saddle Fitting Consultants (MSFC) qualification. I have been fitting traditional saddles in Scotland since then. My riding coach introduced me to SMART Saddles and I am so impressed at how much freedom they allow the horse. I believe SMART Saddles will allow me to help horses be happy and comfortable and remain fit and healthy in their ridden life.”
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