"Being a Ride With Your Mind (RWYM) biomechanics coach and a Masterson Method bodywork practitioner (MMCP) has given me a great insight into the relationships between rider and horse bodies. I’m really interested in posture (static & dynamic) to avoid injury…. And good rehabilitation when it is required.
I began riding in a SMART saddle in 2021 and use it on all three of my horses and to teach on a simulator. It is fascinating how the saddles can fit so many different types and how useful they are as a diagnostic tool. I frequently take my saddle to clients to illustrate how well the their own saddle does (or doesn’t) fit either them or their horse - or both! I have also found that rider’s positions can improve hugely for sitting them in a balanced saddle.
I now have a large proportion of my clients and colleagues riding in a Smart saddle so undertook the training to become a fitter. I like to encourage education for all owners to improve the welfare standards around all things equestrian.
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