“I’ve owned my SMART Dressage saddle for almost one year and I cannot believe the difference it has made to myself and my pony.
I knew about the brand because we had a saddle for a previous horse when I was younger so it only seemed fitting that SMART Saddles were the first port of call on my search.
A lovely SMART Advisor came out to see me and brought a few different saddle styles for me to try (including GP and dressage). I instantly felt more connected to my pony and could feel so much more movement than I ever had before. I was sold straight away; the only issue I had was choosing one!
It was a difficult decision but I remember the SMART Advisor saying to me “can you see yourself going far in this dressage saddle?” My response was a tentative “Yes, I hope so”. Was she right or was she right!? We’ve come on so far and now my boy literally floats across the school. We’ve recently got our highest ever score of 78.26% and we’re going to affiliate later this year!
It’s been a lot of hard work and many hours training but I honestly believe that the SMART Dressage saddle plays a huge part in our success.”
~ Emma and Alfie (otherwise known as Super Cob!)
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