“As an adult rider (5’5”) on a pony it was always going to be tricky to find saddles to suit us both, but to add insult to injury the pony also changed shape what seemed like every ten minutes in the first few years I had her. She outgrew saddles that were fitted to her and some saddles that were fitted she has just plain hated.
She isn’t simple to fit, standing at 13.3hh, she is croup high and short backed. She is wonderfully brave, super sensitive and smart, but she is also one opinionated, contrary and strong willed lady. Be under no illusion if she doesn’t like something, you will know about it.
After a thorough fitting with one of your super-knowledgeable (and patient) SMART Advisors and a two week trial period, I now have her in a SMART Jump saddle which fits us both, puts me in a great position and as an added bonus it looks gorgeous.
The contact with the horses back is amazing, I feel closer to the horse than with any treed close contact saddle I have ridden in and was surprised by how secure I felt, less slipping and sliding than in other saddles.
What I wasn’t expecting was how much better she would move; her walk has improved and she feels so much looser in her jump. She also now stands better to tack up and to mount and her occasional bucks are a thing of the past. I am positive “Miss Opinionated” approves of it and I was so grateful for the trial period as I just couldn’t get stuck with another saddle the pony didn’t like as has happened in the past.
As an extra plus point the saddle can also be used on any of my other horses. This is particularly handy for my 16hh 3 year old as he grows and changes shape and it suits him beautifully.
I see myself happily riding in this saddle for many years to come.”
Many thanks,
~ Sarah Blackmore
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