A modern solution to saddle fitting header
A modern solution to saddle fitting header

The SMART Saddle lets us do what we love!

“Breah and I are the ultimate happy hackers - we love nothing more than disappearing for hours at a time into the countryside in search of adventure.

Claire Paton

Unfortunately, Breah changes shape very frequently, and is prone to muscle wastage if her workload isn't consistent, and the last year or so has been a constant struggle with saddles. I was frequently spending up to an hour before a ride messing around with different combinations of risers and adjustable gullets and never felt confident that I was getting the right fit. We've ridden much less over the last few months and were frequently abandoning rides halfway through.


Since getting our SMART Elite GP saddle, the difference has been astounding; Breah has so much freedom through her shoulder and is determinedly marching out across all terrains, uphill, downhill, and over rough ground, with zero hesitation. I can feel her using her back correctly instead of tensing up and hollowing every time we go downhill, and she feels like she's loving every single step.

Claire Paton

The saddle is also very comfortable for me and has been thoroughly tested, staying perfectly in place in all paces, across difficult terrain, with me leaning off both sides to duck under trees or open gates, and even when I've had to remount after opening a difficult gate. With the help of our SMART Advisor, I can confidently check and adjust the fit of our saddle - a process that now takes two minutes instead of an hour! - and it should be much more forgiving of her regular shape changes than our old one was.

Claire Paton

I can't wait to rebuild our fitness and get back out for some longer rides now that we have a saddle that can keep up!”

~ Claire Paton, June 2023