Why does the fully flexible SMART saddle system work?
Having used a flexible saddle since 2000 for training and competing, SMART™ saddle designer, Dr Anne Bondi, observed problems that had previously considered “normal” began to disappear.
Case study research projects run with vets, physiotherapists, colleges and equine welfare organisations have provided a wealth of valuable information on the benefits of long-term use of the SMART™ saddle system. Important feedback, not just from professional trainers and top competition riders, but also from a huge range of owner riders, amateurs, and hobby riders ensures that the saddle range has been developed to further enhance the performance benefits for both horse and rider.
Common observations when using the SMART™ saddle include:
“As a rider, trainer and riding coach the more the SMART™ saddles evolve the easier life gets with regard to solving individual issues for both horse and rider.” Tim Downes, FBHS,
When studying a direct comparison with a range of horse and rider combinations working in a traditional treed saddle and a SMART™ saddle, results showed the flexible SMART saddle to be consistently improving performance:
Jumping in a SMART™ saddle produced similarly dramatic results –
Confident jumping in a SMART™ Jump saddle
The UK made SMART™ saddle
A well developed back – an 8-year-old eventer that has only ever worn a SMART™ saddle
The fully flexible SMART™ saddle design:
Training advantages:
Veterinary use:
In the clinical evaluation of back-related problems, The SMART™ saddle is useful as a diagnostic tool and can be usefully employed to eliminate the saddle as a possible source of pain.
“It has been my experience that some horses with back pain benefit tremendously by the use of The SMART saddle. Clinical assessment of a horse with a performance related problem working in a flexible SMART saddle helps me to determine if such a saddle might benefit the horse long term, although this may take several days assessment to determine” (Dr. SJ Dyson 2006)
Important safety considerations:
Safety considerations for riders, horses and saddles – the flexible saddle caused no damage
The rider benefits:
"I have ridden in a SMART™ saddle since 2003. Every horse, without exception, has performed better than in a traditional saddle. I believe that if we wish to ride horses, we have a moral duty to make them as comfortable as possible, not only to achieve the best performance from them but also to promote their general wellbeing. SMART™ saddles make this possible." Daniel Hammond BHSI, International Dressage Trainer
Teachers and trainer benefit:
Efficient and cost-effective:
Since 2007, SMART Saddles has carried out scientific research into the complex interaction of horse, saddle and rider in order to obtain objective evidence and therefore inform best practice in the field of saddle design, manufacture and application. The principle quantitative measurement systems that have been identified as most useful for the analysis of horse, saddle and rider interaction are:
Biomechanical analysis of horses’ neck postures showed significant change, being carried in a longer and lower frame in the SMART™ saddle. With a high head and neck position, the stride length and extension of the back are significantly reduced; therefore the neck can be a useful measure of back activity as well as stride length.
The images compare a tense hollow outline with a more natural, engaged outline using biomechanical analysis.
Many of the horses studied demonstrated asymmetric pelvic movement and displaced the saddle asymmetrically but in each case, the flexible SMART™ saddle was displaced less. This asymmetric movement of the saddle created asymmetric posture in the rider.
The images show the use of EMAS video analysis to illustrate significant saddle slip to the right in the horses usual saddle with much improved vertical alignment in the SMART™ saddle.
The health and wellbeing of the rider, particularly the rider’s back, may be compromised by asymmetry. The SMART™ saddle synchronised better with horse and rider movement than a rigid saddle with a conventional tree thus improving the symmetry of the interaction.
Images show the use of Xsens inertial motion sensors to demonstrate the marked rider crookedness in the usual saddle compared to improved spinal alignment in the SMART™ saddle.
Pressure sensor mapping test results for SMART™ saddles provide scientific evidence that peak and average pressures are reduced by the flexible design. The SMART™ saddle demonstrates improved symmetry when compared to other makes of saddle.
Tekscan pressure mapping images show average recordings using the same scale of measurement. There is Improved peak pressures and symmetry when using the SMART™ saddle.
Biomechanical analysis provides accurate measurement of symmetry.
An EMAS graph representation of vertical misalignment of horse, saddle and rider over three strides. The results in the SMART™ saddle shows a significant improvement in alignment of horse, saddle and rider interaction.
SMART Saddles was the first saddle company to use 3D technology to scientifically research and develop its innovative saddle designs.
3D Scanning is used to accurately analyse horse back shapes and produce symmetrical saddles.
A study conducted by Dr Sue Dyson, Dr Rachael Murray and Line Greve at the Animal Health Trust, presented at the Saddle Research Trust International Conference 2014, has confirmed that horses’ back dimensions do increase with exercise, illustrating that it is not only important that a horse’s saddle fits before work, but also during work. The greatest changes in back dimension during exercise were seen in both sound horses and those ridden in a well fitting saddle, suggesting that it is a healthy back which increases in size during work.
“The back-shape ratio immediately after ridden exercise was greater compared with before work. Changes in back-shape were greater in horses working correctly versus not working correctly, and in horses with correctly-fitting versus ill-fitting saddles at each site.” Greve L, Murray R & Dyson S. Exercise-induced changes in back dimensions: the influence of saddle fit, rider-skill and work-quality. Equine Vet J (2014) 44 (1) 4-14
A Solution Saaddles customer, was delighted after changing to a SMART™ saddle. Not only was her horse happier in his work, but the dramatic difference in his back development was obvious after only 2.5 months.
Read her story, and many more customer testimonials, here
“He’s now completely different to look at; his back is clearly stronger, the dips behind his withers are filling in, and each time he changes shape, an Approved Advisor has been available to assist us if needed.”
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